by admin | Jun 2, 2014 | |
Th-Es-Au-Ru-S Typography and Book design for new Periodic Table Thesaurus 24 pp sampler for a new Thesaurus/Lexicon featuring the Periodic Table of Elements. Typographic design, layouts, digital print. A new typeface was created based on the Periodic Table of Chemistry abbreviations. Hardback (196pp) to be published by Impossible Things Ltd Autumn 2014. All3D VisualsAppBookBrandingCatalogueCorporate IdentityDigital RetouchingFabricFurnitureIllustrationLightingLogotypePackagingPlayPrintProductStationeryTypefaceTypographyWeb/Online Swallows and Amazons Digital Retouching, Illustration, Print, Product, Stationery Appleby: Notebooks Book, Illustration, Print, Product, Stationery TimeOut – iPhone 3D Visuals, Print, Product, Typography Ordnance Survey – iPhone 3D Visuals, Packaging, Product, Typography Designs Brochure Catalogue, Print, Stationery, Typography Shake your ‘Bot 3D Visuals, App, Illustration, Play, Product, Web/Online Faber Poetry Playing Cards Packaging, Print, Product, Typography Jane Green – The Beach Fabric, Furniture, Product Harrogate Crime Festival Fabric, Furniture, Product Thesaurus Book, Print, Typeface, Typography A-Z Cards Digital Retouching, Product, Stationery, Typography Softbacks™ Furniture, Logotype, Typography Transport for London Branding, Logotype, Typography Treasure Island Book, Digital Retouching, Print, Typography U-Bend Lighting, Logotype, Product, Typography Milli Lighting, Logotype, Product, Typography Open Secret Branding, Logotype, Typography Stone Paper Knife Ltd Branding, Catalogue, Corporate Identity, Logotype, Print,...